Thursday, 23 October 2014

*REVIEW* Mehron Tattoo Cover - TC1

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well! I am here today to bring you another beauty review - this time on a revolutionary product I received in the mail today!

Mehron, Tattoo Cover - TC1, £10.99 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Colourb4 Extra Strength Review + How To Use It, 2014

Colourb4 is a company that sell hair dye removal products. The company promise to strip unwanted hair dye and colour build up to help you achieve the colour you desire.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Silver & White Blonde Wig Review

Silver/White Tseng Wig Review

Those who know me well are aware I'm a part time wig wearer! Wigs are fantastic for changing your look without the hassle and maintenance of actually doing anything to your hair. I wear wigs once or twice a week on average and I own 7 so far. Today I will be reviewing a WHITE, SILVER toned wig that I purchased from Amazon!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

A Few Beauty Dislikes

Most of us buy a beauty product and end up with a disappointing result. As it happens, every individual's skin, hair, nails etc differ, therefore they will determine the results. However, nothing is more annoying than when you've spent a good amount on a hyped up product, only to wish you could get a refund...for hygiene purposes that's not going to happen! I had this "traumatic" (joking of course) experience with a  few products this year!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Attention! School Leavers in the United Kingdom!

This is a rather long read but I'd like to think (or hope) it's going to help potential readers out there, or at least interest my blog visitors! So if you're kindly taking the time to read this lengthy post then make yourself a nice drink and get comfortable!

Personal Advice For School Leavers 

So you've finished school and not just for the summer; literally forever and there's no going back. You may or may not be experiencing a mixture of emotions during this period of time. Some people have already figured out what they want to do before they have taken their exams!