Sunday 7 September 2014

Silver & White Blonde Wig Review

Silver/White Tseng Wig Review

Those who know me well are aware I'm a part time wig wearer! Wigs are fantastic for changing your look without the hassle and maintenance of actually doing anything to your hair. I wear wigs once or twice a week on average and I own 7 so far. Today I will be reviewing a WHITE, SILVER toned wig that I purchased from Amazon!

First of all, I get asked why I bother wearing wigs. I've found my signature colour in red but I love to experiment which is the reasons why I occasionally changed my colour as a teenager. Now, had I been aware of such wonderful wigs on the market, I doubt I would of coloured my hair as much as before! In other words; red is MY colour but sometimes it's nice to have a change, especially when I've had red for a year and a half!

If you read my last post, you'll see I had bleached white hair a few years back. I loved this colour and was longing to see myself with it again. White wigs are extremely difficult to get online or in person because most wigs in that colour of of poor quality and way too shiny looking! I searched high and low online to find one that was a reasonable price and this caught my eye. The "Tengs" company who sell through Amazon claim the following:

 "Original product from Tengs. Our wigs are made of high quality synthetic fibers, and every wig is handmade by skillful workers, the quality is guaranteed. The wig is on an adjustable net-cap that fits most head sizes. The closest appearance and real human hair feeling."

It costs £17.99 and took 2 days to arrive through Amazon Prime (an Amazon exclusive service that allows quicker delivery.) 

The day of arrival was very exciting for me, it came in a clear plastic bag covered in netting and I was very impressed with the colour and realistic looking synthetic fibers. I used some dry shampoo to make the wig seem more like human hair than it was before! ;)

As you can seem the sewed in wig cap has adjustable straps to fit your head size. I believe this wig is adjustable enough to fit all shapes and sizes. The thickness is astounding and the wig  can be styled on a LOW (GHD's are banned) heat setting, although I personally kept it the same as how it arrived. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should wash your wig at least once a week in order to increase longevity and maintain the thickness/general quality.

The images below show what the wig looks like without and with flash. Do not worry about how shiny the flash makes it appear in photos - it's not like that at all in person! :D

So yeah, pretty impressive huh? Very much so....until I noticed something whilst wearing it! :(

Unfortunately, the netting from the cap shows through quite easily! I first noticed it at the back of the wig whilst using a mirror to see if I had put the wig on correctly. These pictures show visible netting is also quite apparent near the fringe - a negative for me! :( 

Whilst it might not bother some, (especially if it's used for cosplay/dress up purposes) it has put me off wearing it outdoors so I took pictures of me wearing it inside so you can have an idea of how the wig fits and the style appears on someone! It doesn't itch or feel uncomfortable in any way, just remember to put a wig cap on your head BEFORE you put your wig on, as the cap keeps it secure as well as hiding your real hair away! Wig caps cost very little online. :)


Quality: 9/10

Price: 7/10

Colour:  10/10

I would recommend this wig to anyone who's looking for a great quality wig to play dress up with. Due to the netting of the cap showing through the wig's hair, I am not sure if this wig is everyday use - like I'd mentioned before, if it doesn't bother you then go ahead and buy! I am sure there are ways that fake roots could be painted on so the wig could be less erm "wiggy" looking and more like human hair. By adding fake roots, the netting showing through the wig could be a lot less obvious!

Thanks for reading!

 Shez :D

Insta: shez_palmer


  1. the color looks great on you, I think wigs are so much fun and a great way to experiment with lots of colors without damaging your hair! :) I wish I had a huuuge collection of wigs... I would wear a different one each day lol


    1. Thank you :D That is true, no need to damage your hair by constantly dying it :D Haha they are truly awesome!

  2. I love that color on you! I own a similar one and have the same problem.. I always have to bobby pin pieces in place lol

    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes bobby pins are a savior. I am considering painting some brown roots on so I feel more comfortable wearing this in public :P

  3. Hello! I loved the review! Can you tell us the wig link, please ^-^
    Thank you!

    1. Hey there sorry for the late reply, I didn't see :')
